Linggo, Marso 4, 2012

Effects of Technology in Business 

Technology has always played a role in the process of commerce. However the effects of technology in today's business world is hardly comparable to the technology used by generations from the past. It seems that we modern beings have hit a point in the time-line of human technological progress where linear slow progressive growth has turned to exponential and explosive growth. This point would be referred to as an asymptote by those who think in scientific terms. Scientific minded people also understand the rules of inertia where bodies or ideas resist acceleration and that cycles have tops or that they flow by the rules of entropy, from chaos to norms and back again. But where is the top or the bell curve in the current exponential growth that we are witnessing in technology today and what are the effects of technology in today's business world? It is probably an understatement to suggest that technology has changed the way that business is done in today's world. So many technological advancements have occurred in the last couple of decades, and even greater innovations seem to be on the horizon. The information age is in full force and nearly every business or organization has a digital component. Whether this trend is positive or negative may never be determined but it certainly is different. Here are a few thoughts on the effects of technology in today's business world. In business, we must do the same: make conscious, thoughtful choices about which technologies actually enhance the workplace and advance the mission of the company.  Technology must not drive us, but must be a tool with which we drive our business.  We must consider the impact of new technology on the entire business team.  In some cases, cost savings may be so substantial that the technology must be adopted.  In other cases, it may be better to wait.  Let someone else try the new technology first and get the bugs out.  In some cases we may recognize that we will lose something in terms of human relations as we adopt a new technology; however, since we have paused to consider the human factors, we can also take action to compensate for the losses as we enjoy the gains from the new technology.  Ignoring the human factor completely is never an option. Technology has forever changed the way businesses interact with customers, forcing them to tailor their pitches in greater detail than ever before.  Offering a promotion on the company blog might be a good idea, but what about your customers who aren’t online and have never heard of a blog?  Worse, what about the customers who are online but think that a blog is something that will give their computer a virus (an actual customer’s response). 

What has happened in many realms is that the business itself has become technology. Many large and influential companies have been built on a platform of technological tools. Cell phones, computers, and Internet sites are all products, and while they may be used for other things, they have become a commodity in and of themselves. Whether we "need" certain items is irrelevant to the general public. People buy technology because it has become a part of the culture, even if it does not product anything productive. Rather than trading crops or energy, people are trading technological tools and information.
Daily communication
Technology has caused communication to change drastically, both on a personal level and a global level. It seems that everyone today carries a cell phone, and many people almost feel lost if they forget their phone at home. Email and text messages have also changed the way that people interact on a daily basis. Sometimes the technology is so entrenched, that people will send an email to a co-worker who is sitting five feet away. Granted, technological communication has helped connect distant people in an efficient manner, but critics still worry that people have lost that "human" touch.
Shrinking world
Technology has made national and international commerce a much more feasible reality. Today, people and businesses can buy and sell with people all over the world. In past history it might have taken months for a letter to go from one party to another. Now, an email can reach someone in seconds, and a transaction can be completed with the push of a button. While this is terribly convenient for some businesses, it does make some people impatient when they actually have to wait for things. Without historical perspective, people can lose touch with how much power and convenience they have at their fingertips.
Finally, technology has changed business to the point where the technological tools are more than just mechanisms for doing work. People have grown addicted to their technology, and when things break or "go down", some individuals literally do not know what to do with themselves. It will be interesting to see how humanity "develops" over the next decade or two. Technology is wonderful, but humans are still social creatures. Will they continue down the road of technological addiction? Or will they have a re-awakening where they turn off their machines every once in a while and just enjoy the silence? Only time will tell.

2.) Technology has had a huge impact on the business world. Today’s business world is nothing like it was before the effects of technology took it over. There are computers, label makers, internet and a host of other new innovations that make life in the business world easier.

Computers alone have had a huge effect on the business world. Employee’s work has been made easier by the use of such things as Microsoft’s Word and Excel. Add the internet for making it easier to contact customers and vendors. Business deals are even discussed through technology. Computers are the one piece of technology that has made the biggest impact on the business world.

Little things have a big effect on the business world today too. For instance, label makers make labels that can make everything in your office look more professional. Credit card machines make things much easier for the customer and the business. Remote deposits make it easier for the business. No more running to the bank to make the deposit. All of these things have a major effect on the business.

Technology is crawling all around offices and stores today. Everywhere you look, there is some new piece of technology in front of you. That is a good thing, as long as it works. It can create problems when the systems go down or breakdown. The business world has to worry about hackers and viruses. However, the overall effect of technology on the business world is a good one.

There are few businesses don’t have technology in them. It is necessary for running any business today. The only businesses that don’t use some sort of technology are extremely small businesses. Those businesses may not be able to afford the technology that we have. When those businesses grow, they will jump on the bandwagon as well. It is a matter of business survival.

The typewriters of yesterday are nearly extinct. You can still find them, but they are outdated and very seldom get used. They are more of a dust collector. Technology is the way of the world today. It is the business world just as it is the personal world. If you haven’t gotten involved in the technology that is available today, it is a good time to start. The longer you wait, the more you will miss out on. It does cut back on the time people have to do their jobs. It does help in every aspect of business. Find out today what effect technology has on businesses today.

2 komento:

  1. As a user of an Australian internet service provider, I can testify that technology can really bring a lot of advantages in businesses.

  2. Really a very nice blog about effects of technology in business. You can read more about the role of commercial general contractor in business at Today's Business World.
